Providing the real needs of the child while protecting the dignity of the parent.


Faces of Dreams (FOD) was founded in October of 2013 with 47 children, today we have over 300 children in the program. Our goal then and now was to address the real needs of the children while protecting the dignity of the parents. In addressing the needs of the children, it opens doors for us to minister to them, the teachers, and to their families. We have the freedom to go into the schools and homes and share Jesus Christ.

In the beginning we talked with each child and asked them what their Dreams were for the future…they did not have one. To be honest, they did not know that they could Dream of bigger and brighter things for themselves or for their families. In encouraging them we soon found out that there were many obstacles we had to address before they would be able to Dream that Dream.

We had to address that teachers themselves were given the challenge of teaching without the necessary materials such as…books, paper, marker or chalk to write on whatever kind of board they had. The teachers lacked so much in the way of materials, but they also lack one other major thing…the attention of the children. The children themselves found it hard to stay focused while at school. Most, if not all of the children lacked their needed supplies…it is hard to stay focused on the teacher teaching if you have no book to follow along with or no way of taking notes. Again, the lack of materials was not their only problem. Most of the children were distracted by the sounds of their stomachs because many of the children just did not have food in their homes.

We began addressing the obstacles with Faces of Dreams. When a FOD child is connected with a Dream Builder (sponsor) from the US that child’s needs are met…they receive their required and necessary uniform that gets them into school, their needed school supplies, and the best of all…THEY GET TO EAT A NUTRITIOUS MEAL.

With the obstacles being addressed we began encouraging the children to Dream…and dreamers they are. We currently have future Doctors, Lawyers, Construction Workers, Pastors, Farmers, and the list goes on and on.

– You will need to email PaMela at misspamp@aol.com or messenger her on Facebook (PaMela Hughes Patton) to select a child. (PaMela will send you a picture of your child and an instruction sheet on how to get started.)
– You will be asked to donate only $35 monthly. (Only a little over $1 per day!!!) This will cover your child’s expense each month.
– If you prefer, you can make a onetime donation of $375 (per child) that covers your child/children for the entire school year.
– All donations can be made directly through our web site at www.mpmonline.org or by check made out to Mike Patton Ministries.

Note: 100% of all donations to this ministry are tax deductible!